The Music & Writings of Graham Jackson
How to buy
Please note: although Graham is longer alive and producing music, the music and writings of Graham Jackson are still available for sale, all proceeds will go towards the future education of his nine grandchildren. The details are still being worked out, please contact us with any questions.
If you would like to buy a hardcopy of the book directly through this website, the cost of postage and packing is built-in to the price below: please note all shipping costs are subject to confirmation, once we receive your actual address. The store retail price is about $50.00 (CAD). Prices are in Canadian dollars.
Hard copy price for the book - only a few copies remain in stock: (includes Postage and Packaging)
Canada: |
45.00 + p&p 4.45 = $49.45 | |
U.S.A.: |
$45.00 p&p $8.50= $53.50 (CAD) |
Overseas: |
45.00+ p&p 15.30= $60.30 (CAD) |
Digital version of the book: $50
If you would like to buy a digital (PDF) version of the book, please e-mail your order to arthur at (Use the @ symbol instead of the word "at"). We will reply with the amount and a direct link to PayPal.
In Toronto, at the moment, the only store where you can still buy the book is
Remenyi Music Store, 210 Bloor St. West
or you might still be able to order it in, at any of the five Book City stores:
2350 Bloor St. W (Bloor West Village}
501 Bloor St. W. (The Annex)
348 Danforth Ave (at Chester, in The Carrot Common)
1950 Queen St. E. (The Beaches)
863 Yonge St. (South of Charles)
Elsewhere, it is now available at:
Buchhandlung am Goetheanum
R�ttiweg 45, Dornach 4143, Switzerland
Meadowlark Toys and Crafts,
817 Chestnut Ridge Rd., Chestnut Ridge, N.Y. 10977, USA
(the new home of what was The Sunbridge College Bookstore)
Camphill Village Gift Shop
104 Camphill Rd., Copake, N.Y. 12516, USA
Rudolf Steiner Library and Bookshop,
110 Martin Alley, Pasadena, CA 91105, USA
Rudolf Steiner House Bookshop
35 Park Road, London, NW1 6XT, U.K.